Few people relish the thought of attracting rats. Fortunately, preventing them from entering your home is quite a simple task. With a few tips, you can make sure your home remains rat-free.
Tidy up to reduce hiding places
Rats love hiding places, so your first rat control step should be to tidy up. Although you likely keep the inside of your property tidy, allowing rubbish to gather outside sets you at a disadvantage.…
Carpet beetles love dogs, especially baby carpet beetles. That’s because dogs make it easier for them to infest your home. Therefore, if you own a dog and you suspect that you may have a carpet beetle infestation, your dog may have had an indirect hand in the infestation — with your help, of course!
But why dogs? What is it about them that carpet beetles love? Several things, actually.
Carpet Beetles Ride Dogs to the Great Indoors…
Are you in the habit of holding onto old newspapers? Do you have a stack of newspapers gathering dust somewhere in a dark and dusty corner of your property? Then you may also be inviting pests to stay with you free of charge.
Unfortunately, newspapers, especially old newspapers, attract a number of pests. So, if you have yet to clear out a stack of old newspapers from your property, be prepared for the arrival of one or more of the following pests.…