If you are a commercial property owner, there are several things you need to work on before winter sets in. Other than cleaning the gutters, repairing the roofing system, winterizing pipes and maintaining your landscape, it’s vital to think about pest control as well. Since winter makes it impossible for pests to get food outdoors, these animals only have one reliable option—to infest commercial or residential buildings. For this reason, it’s crucial to seek the services of a commercial pest control expert before winter.…
If you live in an area where termites are a common problem, it is important to take a proactive approach to prevent an infestation in your home. Termites can cause serious damage to both the structure of a home and its contents. Follow these tips to keep your home safe.
1. Fix Leaks Right Away
Termites seek out sources of water. A leaky pipe somewhere in your home could create a damp patch that attracts them.…
Pests are one of those types of guests that comes into your home uninvited. These unwelcome guests simply crawl or fly inside without being noticed and can wreak havoc in your home. No doubt, these creatures are one of the most irritating things to have in your home.
The secret to keeping pests out of your home is to eliminate conditions that may attract them to the home. There are many different things that can turn your house into a pest magnet.…