Peter's Pest Control Blog: My Top Tips

Can You Smell Invading Termites?

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Termites are frustratingly difficult to detect when they invade a structure. Their mud tunnels emanate from the soil, often below a structure’s foundation. This allows invading termites to infiltrate your home without you knowing — until it’s too late. And even if you know where to look, termite tubes are so small that you might very well miss them. But what about scent? Is it possible to smell termites when they invade a structure?…

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Why Removing Your Termite-Infested Fence Isn't Enough to Deter Termites

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Have termites left your wooden fence a tunnel-filled ruin? Then, naturally, your first course of action should be to remove the fence and deprive the termites of their food source. However, stopping there would be unwise — even if you plan to erect a non-wooden fence in place of the old one. Simply removing a termite colony’s food source is not enough. You could even make things worse! The best course of action is to remove the fence and then locate and destroy the termite colony that targeted your fence.…

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A Spring Pest Sneeze Fest: 3 Household Pests That Can Trigger Sinus Allergies

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For nature, spring is a time of growth and vitality. Unfortunately, for many people, spring brings tears to the eyes. But pollen isn’t the only cause of springtime allergies. Just as all animals thrive in the warmer spring months, household pests thrive too, breeding and multiplying in the safety afforded by households across Australia. But these pests often go about their business unseen and undetected by unsuspecting humans. As such, if your sinus allergy symptoms have worsened despite your efforts to spend more time indoors, one or more of the following three pests could be to blame.…

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